Hello Gustav Claesson
January 25, 2023Hi Gustav Claesson, how has the year started for our technical sales person?
– The year has started well, we are getting exciting projects and I’m out a lot in the region of Småland visiting customers.
Do you see any trends in the market right now?
– We’ve seen it a long time now, but I must say, a growing demand for recycled materials with sustainability in mind. Which we offer in several materials and grades. We receive requests both on new projects and existing components.
What is a common misconception about recycled materials?
– Some think that recycled materials is not sufficient for the high demands of the final application, but in many cases it is. We have the knowledge to achieve good quality for the aimed purpose. One solution can be to add new glass fiber to achieve the right stiffness and strength.
Where do the recycled materials that we distribute today end up?
– I would say that it’s mostly recycled PP or PA for the automotive industry, components in the manufacturing industry, or consumer products where the brands want to highlight a more eco-friendly and green packaging solution.
– We see that the end customer is increasingly demanding recycled materials, which means that the processors sometimes need our help with material selection and sourcing.
You’ve been at Mape now since October, how does it feel?
– I’m enjoying myself, it’s really fun and challenging. I look forward to an exciting year and hopefully many interesting projects where we can add value.
What would you say our strength is as a distributor?
– The flexibility. We can adapt very much to the customer’s needs. We are good at solving problems and our customers can feel confident that we always deliver our utmost.